
Monday, September 29, 2014

Kids Date Night

Updates on Clifton -
He has became a true boy, poke and destroy.  He has to destroy everything.  Anything he makes the sole purpose is to destroy.  He usually the bad guy when playing.  I don't love it but do realize its a boy thing.

Updates on McKay -
She says some of the silliest things.  Makes me wonder what all is going through her head.  She often tells me her tinkle talks to me (it usually tells me I am pretty) and she has stories she tells that come from no where.  She sure keeps us entertained!

Updates on Baby #3 -
26 weeks!  Baby is quite active these days.

Monday Clifton had soccer.
It was a harder day of soccer for us, not sure if it was that it was on a Monday or what but hopefully it was just a rough day and we can finish of the season having a blast.

Fall has officially started which means the rain is here and here to stay.
So we got out and enjoyed it the best way we know how, splashing in puddles!
And baking!

Thursday McKay had another dance class.
Still the cutest thing I think I have ever seen.  She loves her dance class so much.

After her class we headed over to Vashon Island and went pear picking for preschool.
A fun trip and yummy pears.

Friday Alex and I went on a date.
Laser tag with friends.  I know I have not grown up yet:)  And I don't plan to any time soon!  Thankfully I have friends that are willing to join in on the fun.  We had a blast!

Saturday was a day Clifton has been talking about for months.  We signed up for the luminate 5k, or "dark run" as he called it, a few months ago and Clifton has been working on running a long distance for the race.
We made glow in the dark shirts and wore glow sticks to add to the fun.
 Our shirts were glowing a little at this time but didn't work the rest of the night.
I was so very proud of Clifton.  He ran the whole 5k!  He ran about 11:30 mile!  Which is quite good for a four year old.  I had to keep up with him.  I love that we can share running/races together, heres to more to come!

Since Clifton and I planned a date together McKay and Alex planned one as well.
Roller skating!  She loved it.  I was a little jealous, I guess we will all have to go sometime soon.
I'd say we had a successful kids date night.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Primary Talent Show 2014

Updates on Clifton -
He loves his fitness class.  And it may be because he got mine and Alex's competitiveness.  This week they worked on jumping and one of the activities was long jump.  Clifton kept jumping until he made it the farthest and even kept trying to beat his best.

Updates on McKay -
McKay started dance this week and she LOVED it.  She listened to the teacher and did what she was told.  And she has been practicing at home all week.  I love it!  I hope she continues to love it and we have a dancer on our hands.

Updates on Baby #3 -
25 weeks!  Clifton got to feel the baby move:)

Monday we spent the hot September day with our friends at the lake.
I love being able to sit and watch them play.  And it may be because I am getting lazier the more pregnant I get but it is nice.

For FHE we talked about repentance and for activity we practiced for our primary talent show that was coming up on friday.
They are so excited for the talent show.

Thursday was McKay's first dance class.  She and I were so excited!
Oh I think my heart may have exploded with joy.  It was so so so cute to watch!  This picture was my favorite captured from the class.  She was so happy dancing and I am pretty sure she is a natural.

Thursday another fun soccer game.  Clifton sure loves playing and I love coaching with him.
Alex refereed this week.  What a fun family activity soccer has turned into.

Friday was our primary's talent show.  It had been anticipated all week by Clifton.
This is how Clifton's talent turned out.  I was so proud of him for coming up with his talent (being a superhero) and being brave enough to do it.  We all had a blast preparing and being part of it.

And this is what we did as a primary presidency.
Oh how I love these ladies so very much!  And the talent show was great.  I love serving in primary and have a bigger heart because of it.  My love for all the children is so great.  I am so very blessed to be able to know them and share moments like these with them.  Great night!

Saturday was our stake day of service.
It was a beautiful day! The kids did great pulling weeds and of course playing with friends. Another wonderful opportunity to serve our community.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sounders Game

Updates on Clifton -
He started a new class at the Y this week called fitness fun.  He loved it.  The worked on push ups, planks, and ladder (his favorite).  Excited for the next month of this class.
Clifton found a caterpillar while we were working in the garden and wanted to keep it.  So we got a little aquarium out and filled it with grass, bark, and a rock.  I said we could keep him for a couple days but then he would need to go back to his home.
Clifton loved it and named it Sparkle.  It was cute.

Updates on McKay -
She is becoming Miss Independent (well when she wants to be) and insists on doing most things by herself.  Which is great but this control freak of a mom has a hard time knowing she might not wipe well or might make a mess all over her clothes.  But it really is good she is starting to do more by herself.
Love that cute face!

Updates on Baby #3 -
24 weeks!  Well this will be my third infection I have had with this pregnancy.  I had a middle and outer ear infection and perforated my ear drum this week.  I am so very thankful for antibiotics that I can take and just hope I don't get anymore infections since third trimester antibiotics shouldn't be taken.  But really this pregnancy is going great.

Monday for FHE we talked about the love and respect we should have in our home.  Its been a rough week of lots of fighting and yelling.  So I was hoping we could tai about it and calm it down a little. Then we made s'mores for treats!
They got along during that:)

Tuesday Clifton decided we needed to have a picnic outside for dinner.
Boys will always be boys!

Wednesday we spent the morning with our good friends.
Clifton and Baylee play so so so well together.  It is so nice to sit back and watch them.  I sure love their relationship and hope they can stay close.

Thursday was soccer night!
We played a team that was well matched and had some of Clifton's church friends on it.  It was a fun game!

Friday Grandma Peterson came up to play with us and watch the kids that night while Alex and I went to the Sounders game.  We love Grandma Peterson so much and really appreciate her wanting to spend time with us and the kids so we can go have a date night doing one of our favorite things.
What a great game!  Intense game and full of great athletics.  I do need to remember I am pregnant and cannot jump up and down so much:)  We sure do love those Sounders.  And we won at the last minute which made everything even better.  Let's keep that #1 spot!

Saturday we were able to go to Alex's work and have a BBQ as a family.  The kids have never been able to see where Alex works and I have only been there once.  So it was a great opportunity to meet people he works with and see a little of what he does everyday.  They had lots of kid activities and we had fun playing.

Saturday and Sunday we had Stake conference (thanks to Denyal for watching our kids Saturday).  Made a great way to end the week!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Run/Walk Marathon

Updates on Clifton -
Preschool started this week for Clifton.  We are doing it at home again with Evan and McKay.  He was very excited to have preschool again and thus far has really enjoyed having the structure back.

Updates on McKay -
She thinks toots and burps are the funniest things.  I think she talks about toots almost half of the day:/  She must have an older brother.

Updates on Baby #3 -
23 weeks.  I had a doctors appointment this week and all is still looking great, except the scale.  Sadly the scale was not on my side this visit.  But I will keep working on being healthy and after this baby comes out I will make sure none of this extra weight stays around.
Clifton sure loves my belly.  A little too much sometimes.  I often have to tell him that's enough hugs and kisses (I am not a touchy feely pregnant lady).  But it is super sweet!
Funny photo of McKay pumping my belly up.  I'm pretty sure I don't need help:)

Monday we spent the day off organizing our garage.  Much needed.  Nesting is really bad my whole pregnancy.  I feel like the house has to be in perfect shape and everything has to be in its place before baby comes.  
That night we did go on a small hike as a family.

Wednesday Alex has meetings and I wanted to make the night fun especially after a long and grumpy day.  So we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. 
We obviously don't have fires very often.  This is their face when I started the fire:)  Silly kiddos!
A fun night:)  Daddy even got to stop at home and eat a s'more we made him before heading out to another meeting.  Might need to start making Wednesday night a s'more night so we don't miss Daddy so much while he is at meetings.

Thursday night was another soccer night.  We are having a blast. 
Clifton insisted on wearing his Batman cape to soccer.  So in case you were wondering Batman does play soccer.  Clifton is doing great at soccer and really getting into the game.  So much that we have been needing to talk to him about playing as a team and sharing the glory.  Tough lesson for them to learn but so glad that he has this opportunity to learn it.  Sports are so great for kids.

Saturday our ward had a run/walk marathon.  Our team was the PetersonFC and of course we dressed up like crazy Sounders fans.
We had a blast.  We got a total of 10 miles in about an hour and a half.  Together as a ward we got 203 miles in.  I think we could have gotten more but McKay was up early and was not in to it as much as she normally would be.  A great activity with great friends!  Oh and we won an award for dressing up as something that was completely unrelated to the event:) Ya, we rock!

Later that day our neighborhood had a block party.
 There is great things about living in neighborhoods.  I often wish I had more land but love things like this.  We really do live in a great place!
That night the neighborhood had a movie at the park.  The kids minds were blown that we could watch a movie at a park (no I have not been brave enough to take them to the drive in).  Friends, blankets, cuddling, candy, and a good movie equals a great night.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Ending August Right

Updates on Clifton -
He has been struggling with not following others bad examples.  In sports class or church he follows the ones that are up running around and goofing off.  He is too shy to be the leader but he will follow if its happening.  So we have had a ton of discussions about making right choices even if others are not.  Its been a tough lesson for him to learn.

Updates on McKay -
She is getting so big and tall.  Almost as big as Clifton.  She has outgrown most of her size three clothes.  Which is so different than Clifton.  He was always my little guy and grew pretty slow (until recently).  Time for another shopping trip:/

Baby #3 -
22 weeks.  Feeling so low already:/  I carried low with both of mine and this being my third doesn't help.

For FHE we talked about agency since Clifton has had many opportunities to make bad choices lately.  Then for activity we played with water balloons.
Super fun activity and perfect for one of the last hot days of summer.

That night I decided to finally give in and do the ALS ice bucket challenge.
It wasn't too bad.  Clifton and McKay thought it was great!  They were challenged by their cousin Grace and really wanted to do it.  So the next day was another hot one and Clifton wanted to challenge Evan (of course no ice).
Silly kids.  I was pretty sure they were not going to be happy about it but they proved me wrong.

Wednesday our friends came to visit us!  We hadn't seen them in a year, I can't believe it had been that long.  We had a BBQ and enjoyed the evening while the kids played.
We sure miss having them a couple houses down.

Thursday was another soccer practice and game for Clifton.  He is getting into it which is great because we have some kids not too interested to play.
I sure do love coaching.  Being pregnant it is way more exhausting but I am so glad to have these opportunities to coach.

Saturday we played over at Evan's house or as McKay now calls it "Lucy's house" (the dog).  She was so cute playing with Lucy.  Really makes me want a dog!
A nice relaxing morning playing with friends.

We also got inspired to have fun in the rain.  Cousin Charlie was playing in the rain and Clifton saw a picture and wanted to do that.  So out we went.
So glad we did.  The kids had a blast!

Sunday we went to Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's to celebrate July/August birthdays.
Cousins make the world a better place.  I know I say this often but it is something I never got to have.  It makes me so happy that my kids get to be friends with their cousins.
Another great week at the Peterson's!