
Monday, September 22, 2014

Primary Talent Show 2014

Updates on Clifton -
He loves his fitness class.  And it may be because he got mine and Alex's competitiveness.  This week they worked on jumping and one of the activities was long jump.  Clifton kept jumping until he made it the farthest and even kept trying to beat his best.

Updates on McKay -
McKay started dance this week and she LOVED it.  She listened to the teacher and did what she was told.  And she has been practicing at home all week.  I love it!  I hope she continues to love it and we have a dancer on our hands.

Updates on Baby #3 -
25 weeks!  Clifton got to feel the baby move:)

Monday we spent the hot September day with our friends at the lake.
I love being able to sit and watch them play.  And it may be because I am getting lazier the more pregnant I get but it is nice.

For FHE we talked about repentance and for activity we practiced for our primary talent show that was coming up on friday.
They are so excited for the talent show.

Thursday was McKay's first dance class.  She and I were so excited!
Oh I think my heart may have exploded with joy.  It was so so so cute to watch!  This picture was my favorite captured from the class.  She was so happy dancing and I am pretty sure she is a natural.

Thursday another fun soccer game.  Clifton sure loves playing and I love coaching with him.
Alex refereed this week.  What a fun family activity soccer has turned into.

Friday was our primary's talent show.  It had been anticipated all week by Clifton.
This is how Clifton's talent turned out.  I was so proud of him for coming up with his talent (being a superhero) and being brave enough to do it.  We all had a blast preparing and being part of it.

And this is what we did as a primary presidency.
Oh how I love these ladies so very much!  And the talent show was great.  I love serving in primary and have a bigger heart because of it.  My love for all the children is so great.  I am so very blessed to be able to know them and share moments like these with them.  Great night!

Saturday was our stake day of service.
It was a beautiful day! The kids did great pulling weeds and of course playing with friends. Another wonderful opportunity to serve our community.

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