
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sounders Game

Updates on Clifton -
He started a new class at the Y this week called fitness fun.  He loved it.  The worked on push ups, planks, and ladder (his favorite).  Excited for the next month of this class.
Clifton found a caterpillar while we were working in the garden and wanted to keep it.  So we got a little aquarium out and filled it with grass, bark, and a rock.  I said we could keep him for a couple days but then he would need to go back to his home.
Clifton loved it and named it Sparkle.  It was cute.

Updates on McKay -
She is becoming Miss Independent (well when she wants to be) and insists on doing most things by herself.  Which is great but this control freak of a mom has a hard time knowing she might not wipe well or might make a mess all over her clothes.  But it really is good she is starting to do more by herself.
Love that cute face!

Updates on Baby #3 -
24 weeks!  Well this will be my third infection I have had with this pregnancy.  I had a middle and outer ear infection and perforated my ear drum this week.  I am so very thankful for antibiotics that I can take and just hope I don't get anymore infections since third trimester antibiotics shouldn't be taken.  But really this pregnancy is going great.

Monday for FHE we talked about the love and respect we should have in our home.  Its been a rough week of lots of fighting and yelling.  So I was hoping we could tai about it and calm it down a little. Then we made s'mores for treats!
They got along during that:)

Tuesday Clifton decided we needed to have a picnic outside for dinner.
Boys will always be boys!

Wednesday we spent the morning with our good friends.
Clifton and Baylee play so so so well together.  It is so nice to sit back and watch them.  I sure love their relationship and hope they can stay close.

Thursday was soccer night!
We played a team that was well matched and had some of Clifton's church friends on it.  It was a fun game!

Friday Grandma Peterson came up to play with us and watch the kids that night while Alex and I went to the Sounders game.  We love Grandma Peterson so much and really appreciate her wanting to spend time with us and the kids so we can go have a date night doing one of our favorite things.
What a great game!  Intense game and full of great athletics.  I do need to remember I am pregnant and cannot jump up and down so much:)  We sure do love those Sounders.  And we won at the last minute which made everything even better.  Let's keep that #1 spot!

Saturday we were able to go to Alex's work and have a BBQ as a family.  The kids have never been able to see where Alex works and I have only been there once.  So it was a great opportunity to meet people he works with and see a little of what he does everyday.  They had lots of kid activities and we had fun playing.

Saturday and Sunday we had Stake conference (thanks to Denyal for watching our kids Saturday).  Made a great way to end the week!

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