
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Run/Walk Marathon

Updates on Clifton -
Preschool started this week for Clifton.  We are doing it at home again with Evan and McKay.  He was very excited to have preschool again and thus far has really enjoyed having the structure back.

Updates on McKay -
She thinks toots and burps are the funniest things.  I think she talks about toots almost half of the day:/  She must have an older brother.

Updates on Baby #3 -
23 weeks.  I had a doctors appointment this week and all is still looking great, except the scale.  Sadly the scale was not on my side this visit.  But I will keep working on being healthy and after this baby comes out I will make sure none of this extra weight stays around.
Clifton sure loves my belly.  A little too much sometimes.  I often have to tell him that's enough hugs and kisses (I am not a touchy feely pregnant lady).  But it is super sweet!
Funny photo of McKay pumping my belly up.  I'm pretty sure I don't need help:)

Monday we spent the day off organizing our garage.  Much needed.  Nesting is really bad my whole pregnancy.  I feel like the house has to be in perfect shape and everything has to be in its place before baby comes.  
That night we did go on a small hike as a family.

Wednesday Alex has meetings and I wanted to make the night fun especially after a long and grumpy day.  So we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. 
We obviously don't have fires very often.  This is their face when I started the fire:)  Silly kiddos!
A fun night:)  Daddy even got to stop at home and eat a s'more we made him before heading out to another meeting.  Might need to start making Wednesday night a s'more night so we don't miss Daddy so much while he is at meetings.

Thursday night was another soccer night.  We are having a blast. 
Clifton insisted on wearing his Batman cape to soccer.  So in case you were wondering Batman does play soccer.  Clifton is doing great at soccer and really getting into the game.  So much that we have been needing to talk to him about playing as a team and sharing the glory.  Tough lesson for them to learn but so glad that he has this opportunity to learn it.  Sports are so great for kids.

Saturday our ward had a run/walk marathon.  Our team was the PetersonFC and of course we dressed up like crazy Sounders fans.
We had a blast.  We got a total of 10 miles in about an hour and a half.  Together as a ward we got 203 miles in.  I think we could have gotten more but McKay was up early and was not in to it as much as she normally would be.  A great activity with great friends!  Oh and we won an award for dressing up as something that was completely unrelated to the event:) Ya, we rock!

Later that day our neighborhood had a block party.
 There is great things about living in neighborhoods.  I often wish I had more land but love things like this.  We really do live in a great place!
That night the neighborhood had a movie at the park.  The kids minds were blown that we could watch a movie at a park (no I have not been brave enough to take them to the drive in).  Friends, blankets, cuddling, candy, and a good movie equals a great night.

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