
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

2015 the New Year

Updates on Clifton -
He has been super anxious for baby to get here and certain it was a boy.  The other day he grabbed the ultrasound pictures off of the fridge and said the baby has no hair that is why he knows we are having a boy.  I sure love him!

Updates on McKay -
She has been needing naps this week.  Not sure if that means naps are back or she is just extra tired.
Sunday was her first day as a SUNBEAM!  I wasn't able to make it but my mother took them to church and she did great!

Baby Peterson #3 -
Baby Stanley Rex Peterson came on January 3rd at 3:38 pm weighing 7lbs and 1oz and 20.5 inches.  I will write a separate post about him and his delivery.  We love him so much already.

Monday for FHE we talked about the year 2014 and the new year coming up.  It was one of my favorite FHE's.  I printed pictures of our favorite memories from 2014.  I hid them around the room and let the kids find them.  We talked about each picture/memory.  We then talked about which memory was our favorite.  We are super blessed to have so many wonderful memories and traditions.

With my mom in town we have been busy exploring and trying to get my mind off of baby coming.  My mother was so helpful and kept the kids entertained for us.  Wednesday we went bowling and had a lot of fun.
Yep 39 weeks and bowling!  I was hoping it might put me into labor  and for the record pregnant me still got it :)  Yep I beat Alex, my mom killed us all, but I beat Alex!
 Just celebrating a good bowl.
Alex showed Clifton how to bowl all by himself and he loved it and was quite good.  He sure is growing up.

That night we did a small little new years celebration at 8.  This is the first year we have done any celebrating with the kids.
They didn't quite get why we were celebrating but we had a fun night making cookies, making a mess celebrating (Alex was not too happy about the confetti), and eating yummy treats.

The rest of the week we were having baby Stanley and getting use having a little one again.

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