
Monday, January 12, 2015

Stanley's First Week

Updates with Clifton -
He loves Stanley!  Loves him!  He wants to hold, hug, kiss, and snuggle him all day.  He has also been an amazing helper.  Getting diapers, wipes, throwing diapers in the trash, and so much more.  I sure hope this continues.

Updates with McKay -
She likes Stanley (doing a lot better than I expected).
She sure is defiant though.  NO is her word and is not afraid to yell it.  Alex and I are trying to figure out the best consequence for her because she doesn't seem to care much when we put her in time out.

Updates on Stanley -
He is doing well.  We ended up at the doctors a couple days after his birthday because he was crying a ton and not eating.  He had thrush and things are better now that he is on medicine.  We have also discovered his tummy doesn't like Enfamil, it makes he throw up half of his bottle every time he eats.  So we are sticking with Similac again.  But all is well we are working on figuring him out.  We sure do love him!

This week was a lot of staying at home figuring out Stanley and what it means to be a family of five.  We had a lot of help from my mother and my mother in law, which we are so very thankful for.  Alex also had the week off to help. We are very blessed to have so much help from family and friends around us.

 Stanley's first bath.  He didn't love it.
Look what I caught on camera.  He is our smiley sleeper.  It might just be gas but it is the cutest thing I have ever seen.  I am very happy I got to capture it on camera.

 Love this cute face.
 Just cuddling in bed for scripture and song time.
 Can you tell he is quite loved here?
First church trip and looking mighty cute.

I am feeling pretty good.  Really swollen but it has come down a lot this week.  I am very very happy to have my body back, now to get it in shape again :)  We are all very ready to get back into a routine of things.

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