
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Updates on Clifton -
He is so very helpful and has taken on the big brother role so well.  However we have had to set a limit to how many hugs he can give him in a day and a rule that he cannot touch him or talk to him while he is eating.  He just loves Stanley so much.

Updates on McKay -
She is struggling!  I am assuming it is because Stanley has arrived, but she is quite difficult.  She cries all the time and about everything.  And the screaming is back and worse.  Nothing seems to work with disciplining her.  But we are trying hard to teach her to use her words and how to express her emotions appropriately.

Updates on Stanley -
His thrush is completely gone! He spits up a lot and often, I am afraid its acid reflux.  However the doctors says as long as he isn't mad about it he is just a happy spitter.  We will see.  All I know is that it has made for a ton of dirty laundry.
It's crazy how fast they grow.  He is getting big and fast.

I made a big and hard decision this week to be done with watching Evan.  It was such a hard decision because he is pretty much one of my kids and we love him so much.  However I know that simpler is what is best for my family right now.  I am sure I could take it on, but newborns add so much unknown to my day.  I want to be able to provide Evan with quality care.  He will still be in our life of course well because we love him and he is stuck being friends with us!

I got back into working out this week and it has felt so good.  I am obviously not able to give it my 100% yet but it feels so good to sweat.  I am so ready to be back in shape!  But sadly it will be a process, but I am ready to work hard.

The kids and I spent a lot of our days at the Y and taking walks.  Thankfully we had a beautiful week of weather that allowed us to get out and go to the park.

Lots and lots of cuddling this week.  I forget how hard it is to put a newborn down.  We could just cuddle with him all day long.

My three kiddos.
It might be craziness at my house these days trying to figure out how life with three kids works, but man it is so very full of love and blessings.  I love them so much.  Being a mom is hard but the best thing I have ever done with my life.

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