
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Stanley Rex Peterson

This blog is a little different than the others but I wanted whole blog dedicated to our newest... Stanley Rex Peterson.

It all started Friday evening.  That day I got to spend with my best friend and her kiddos and then that evening Alex wanted to take me out on a date.  Alex could tell that I needed to relax and take my mind off of trying to go into labor.  So off we went.  As soon as we sat down for the movie my contractions became consistent and a little painful.  We went to see Interstellar so I was hoping to make it through the whole 3 hour long movie.  And I did!  Even though the movie didn't turn out to be that great:/  After the movie I decided we should head into the doctors.  Good thing I had a hunch to pack the hospital bag and bring it with us.  When we got there I was 5 cm dilated and 100% effaced.  So I thought I would be having my baby on its due date!  But this one decided to take its time, compared to the other two.  9 hours later I was still contracting, at 7.5 cm, and it was close to 3am.  I was so tired and decided to cave and ask for an epidural.  I kind of wish I didn't because about 10 minutes after the epidural I was ready to push.  Ah well. 

Here is where it gets a little crazy.  I waned all the nurses that when I am ready to go, I go fast.  It probably didn't seem like it because I was in labor already a lot longer than my others.  Anyway the nurse decided to have me push before calling the on call doctor to make sure I was ready.  I pushed she then told me to stop and that she will call the doctor.  "The doctor will be here in 15 minutes,"  she said.  So I laid down feeling good and numb and excited to get pushing.  All of the sudden a few nurses run into our room and are messing with the heart monitor on my belly and making me move around.  Then they got out an oxygen mask and threw it on me.  I immediately freaked out!  I couldn't talk with it on so I couldn't ask questions or anything.  they just kept saying to breath nice and slow.  Next the emergency (not on call doctor) came running in.  He was obviously in a rush and frustrated. He started throwing things out of the way, yelling at the nurses to get my legs up and ready, and demanding to know why I was in this condition without a doctor in the room.  Alex stood by my side the whole time holding onto my hand trying to stay calm because I was obviously freaking out.  Finally the doctor yells at me to push and again and again.  Luckily I do come fast and he was out in 5 pushes.  There was a pause which seemed to last forever and no one said a thing.  Until Alex broke the silence and said, "it's a boy!"  All I could say was, "is he breathing?"  Just then he started crying.  I was so happy to hear his little cry and to know he is fine.  I started crying myself out of pure terror that something bad could have happened.

After all the shock came off Alex and I got to talk about what had just happened.  The nurse and doctor came in to talk about it as well.  It seems that when the nurse had me try a push before calling the doctor it had pushed him into the birthing canal where he was getting squished and made his heart rate drop down real low and at times they couldn't even find his heart rate.  So the longer baby was in the canal the more at risk he was.  The emergency doctor did his job real fast and we got baby out in time before anything went drastically wrong.  Thank heavens!  It was all fine at the end but it gave Alex and I one of the biggest scares of our lives.

After the all the checks, room switch, and annoying security issues (his band kept setting off the alarm like 5 times) we were able to get some rest at 8am.  And we were finally feeling the most excitement of our little Stanley's arrival.  We are in love with him and his perfection.
He was born at 3:38 am January 3rd weighing 7lbs and 1oz and 20.5 inches long. My smallest!  He came out super alert and content.  He also came out and first thing he did was put his thumb in his mouth. 

Later that day my mom brought our kids to meet their new brother.
Clifton was over the moon about having a brother.  He knew it!  He kept telling me he knew it was a boy.  It was great to have everyone there, I couldn't help but feeling insanely blessed.

The next couple days at the hospital we were spoiled with visitors.  I have never felt so loved from all the visits, calls, and messages expressing congrats and making sure all was well.
We tried to make the best of the stay.  I really hate hospitals and so the visitors really helped time pass.  
 Bath time!
 Just chilling watching some basketball. Boy time has already started.
 Oh the cuddles!

Sunday we got to go home!
Clifton was so excited for our arrival and really wants to hold and cuddle Stanley all day.  He has been amazing at helping and loves his brother so much.  I hope this continues.  It melts my heart!  McKay isn't nearly as excited as Clifton but she has asked to hold him and help do some things.

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