
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Back to Reality

Updates on Clifton -
He is still crazy about Stanley, but we are having to talk a lot about personal space.  If he could he would snuggle up to Stanley all day long (so would I).  One of my favorite things is watching him with Stanley when he doesn't know we are watching.  He has cute conversations with him.  Once he was talking to him and Stanley shivered.  Clifton said "oh no Stanley you must be cold" and went and got him another blanket.  I love it!  He is a great big brother.

Updates on McKay -
She is struggling a little.  She doesn't seem to mind having Stanley around but she is crying and screaming a little more often.  Or maybe I am just more tired and have harder time with it.  She refused to go to dance class Thursday which was hard for me because it took a lot for me to get showered and out of the door by 9 just to have her not go.  Hopefully this is just a phase.

Updates on Stanley -
He got circumcised Friday and not too happy about it.  Can't blame the poor boy,  I forget how horrible it is.  He also is still fighting thrush but we were given different medicine so that should help.  But even through all that he is quiet amazing!  It is crazy how much you can love a little thing that can't talk or express love yet, keeps you up all night, and poops a lot.  But MAN do we all love him very much.

Well back to reality.  All the help has gone and its up to me.  Alex went back to work this week.  That is always hard.  But we survived the week.  We got out and about, but the exhaustion has hit and hard.  The first week I was running on adrenaline and now its settling in.  I need to learn how to make it through with little sleep.  I forget how hard it is.  With that being said I have had a lot of time to think about things and have been thinking about the hard times.  My goal this year and from here on out is to never forget.  As a mom I don't want to forget the hard times.  They are just as important as the great times.  I never want to forget how hard this is, how tiring, how emotional, how stressful, etc... I want to remember what it feels like to struggle so that I can be helpful with my words and actions to other moms and to my kids when they have kids someday.  I want to remember this so I can be of use and less judgmental towards others.  I also want to remember what it feels like to have people offering to help (even if I am stubborn and don't take it), remember the words that hurt, and the things that made me feel good in the struggle.  Parenthood is hard with one kid or twenty.  It's hard!  BUT TOTALLY WORTH IT!  Anyway off my soapbox :)

This week in a nutshell... tons of cuddling and oohing and aahing over Baby Stanley.
 His Zoolander face!
Having another kid has been good for my other kids.  They are learning to play with each other more and have grown up a lot over the last two weeks.
Kicking them outside was needed and I was very thankful for the sun shining this week.

Saturday was Stanley's baby shower!  It was so much fun to get together and everyone meet Stanley.
I left feeling so loved.  I am blessed with amazing friends and family in my life.  This whole week I have had many visitors and meals.  I cannot help but feel so grateful.

My sister, her family, and my mom came to town for the baby shower.  So went spent the day together.  My mom is quite amazing and took Clifton and McKay out to play with their cousins and insisted Alex and I go out on a date (Stanley too).
We decided to try a new place... Blazing Onions.  It was super nice to get out together and Stanley slept through the whole thing.

My boys in their Sunday best.
Clifton really wants to match Stanley.  This was pretty close.  I will have to start getting matching outfits.  They are cute!

After church we went to Alex's parents house to celebrate Dec/Jan birthdays and watch the Seahawks game.
The cutest 12th man I know!
All the Seahawks fans until about 7 minutes left in the game :)  Crazy game... good work Seahawks! Super Bowl here we come.

Grandma and Grandpa Peterson with the youngest grandbabies.  Another fun day with family!

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