
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Updates on Clifton -
We have had a hard week and I am thinking Clifton is feeling left out.  Being at school all day and then when he gets home mom is so busy with crazy Stanley.  So I started a Mom and I Journal.
And it has been great so far.  Not deep conversations but he sure feels special and it actually has helped me too.
Probably because he writes things like this to me :)

Updates on McKay -
She was sick this week but we still had a fun and good week for her.  She seems to be getting ahold of her emotions a little more these days!

Updates on Stanley -
He is getting so big and fun.  Alex and I were debating whether or not his is our craziest one year old yet.  And we both agreed that he is :)  Probably because he has siblings to help inspire his craziness.  He is so full of energy and spunk and as crazy as it is we totally love it!
Stanley insists on throwing his food on the floor and not eating until I put him down then he eats it off the floor.  I have seriously considered just putting food on the floor every time we eat :)

Monday there was no school for President's day.  We got to play with our friends at Play Kitsap!
Fun morning! We love getting together with the Neilson's!

That night for FHE we talked about Satan and his plan.
How he wants to make us think doing one bad thing is ok but if we listen pretty soon we are trapped in his ways and will be miserable like he wants us to be.

Tuesday we had no school either.  We had fun celebrating our friend, Dallin's birthday.
We also had fun playing with our friends and loved having Evan and Dallin over for the day.

That night McKay woke up sick :(  So we had to cancel preschool with her friends and she was quite sad about it.
 So I taught what I had planned with her and Stanley.
 Took me a sick day to realize Stanley is getting old enough to join in on the fun preschool stuff.  He loved it.
And so did McKay and I, even if it often lead to Stanley getting on the table.

Thursday was McKay's dance class and she still loves it!

Saturday was a beautiful day so out we went!
Hiking with friends!
Out to collect 100 baby pinecones for Clifton's 100th day of school next week.
 Swings.  Clifton is the master of photo bombing!
Then we had a camp fire outside made dinner over the fire and smore's!
It was such a fun night.  I sure could get use to warmer and sunnier days.  Hurry up Spring and Summer!

 Sunday I had to make cookies for a meeting that the eight year olds in our church are going to.  The kids of course were on board to help.
Sunday Bakeday!

Random pictures from the week...
A man was working on our neighbors house and I saw him cleaning out their dryer vent.  I asked if he had a minute to do ours and of course I would pay.  Glad I did, this is what he found.
 Something Clifton made at school.  Alex why did you teach him that.  We all know Clifton wants a dog but you've persuaded him.  One day we will have one!
 This is what happens when I lay down to try and rest.  Yep that is not going to happen.

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