
Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentine's 2016

Updates on Clifton -
He had two girls planning on kissing him on Valentine's day.  Boy oh boy!  It's a good thing he still runs away from girls trying to kiss him.

Updates on McKay -
Another good week for her.  She went to her sports and dance class and had no melt downs.  Oh this makes me so happy.  I sure hope she is growing out of these multiply day melt downs.  She has also started to be shy, which has never been McKay.

Updates on Stanley -
He has three teeth coming in on the top (finally).  He also got thrush (due to his inhaler medicine - I must not have rinsed his mouth well enough after giving him his inhaler).  Luckily we noticed quickly and had medicine so only a couple days of discomfort for him.
He is getting into every thing and climbing on everything, being a toddler and a boy.
Keeping me on my toes!

Monday was a beautiful day.  We had so much fun just being outside.
We even had to bust out our sunglasses.
Clifton racing his friend that lives across the street and is in his class.  Ya the pink Barbie car lost every time.

That night for FHE we heart attacked each other and some friends too.
I love holidays!

Tuesday was another beautiful day in Washington.
 We spent the morning playing in the park with friends.

Tuesday night Clifton's school had a Bluberries takeover.
So we went to get frozen yogurt together as a family and helped support the school.

Wednesday McKay had a preschool Valentines party.
We love our friends and how they are always ready to party.

That night I got to spend time with my friends and plan our lip sync performance.
I love my friends!

Friday I got to help at Clifton's school Valentine's party.
I love volunteering at his school.

That night our ward had a Valentine's Family Dance.
A crazy fun night.  Clifton had his fist dance with a girl besides mom, Alex and I got to two step, and I got to dance the night away with family/friends.

I also competed in a lip sync battle that night and won!  Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting!
I cannot say it enough... I love my friends!  Such a fun night.

Here is the award winning lip sync...

Saturday I got to go to lunch with some friends and celebrate a friends birthday.  Then Alex and I got to escape to the temple.
It was a much needed and wonderful trip to the temple.

Sunday was Valentine's day.
 Heart shaped pancakes... which is a big deal.  Breakfast rarely gets made in this house.
 Candle light dinner.
And tons of kisses... Love is in the air!

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