
Monday, February 8, 2016

Zoo Trip

Updates on Clifton -
He is crazy excited about his birthday and the count down has begun (truth is I am crazy excited too)!

Updates on McKay -
She has had a great week.  Went to her sports class and didn't have to get escorted out for crying and screaming and she started dance class and did great!  Maybe just maybe we are turning a corner with her!

Updates on Stanley -
Adding more words to his vocabulary and I love it.  He has started to say up and bye.  He also waves hi and bye.  I sure love this stage.
He is crazy crazy mobile and a dare devil, that must just be what I create and I am ok with that.

Monday for FHE we talked about the pre mortal life.  The kids got their spirits (the white trash bags) and then had to decide between Jesus's (played by Alex) plan or Satan's (played by me).  They choose Jesus and we gave them bodies (coats).

We had so much fun this week.  Tuesday we went to play with friends at Discovery Village.
Making me pizza.
McKay being a good sister.

We got sunshine!!!
Oh I am so ready for warmer and drier weather!  I think the kids would agree.

Play dates!

Cuddling and reading.
Sometimes he sits still, sometimes!  And it sure is cute when he does.

Thursday was McKay's dance class and four of the five girls in her class are already her friends.
 Seriously could they be any cuter?
Keeping Stanley off the dance floor was by far the hard part.  He just wanted to be out there with them.

Friday morning Clifton's school had Donuts for Dads.  Alex took the morning off to go.  It meant the world to Clifton.
After, Alex surprised us with coming home and took the whole day off.
We went soccer shopping.  Sadly a cute little soccer store is going out of business and everything was 30% off so we got some great deals.

Saturday we went to the zoo and left with a membership for the year!
 She is our animal lover!  "Come here goat, let me kiss you!"
A super fun family day!

I love our Sunday Bake day tradition...
Now to not eat all the cookies!

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