
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Updates on Clifton -
Is counting down for his birthday.  He is SO ready to be 7.  He actually tells people he is 7 if they ask.  And when I correct him he tells me, its so close that he is pretty much 7.

Updates on McKay -
Had a good week keeping up her sassiness as usually.

Updates on Stanley -
He says "stop it"  all the time.  I really don't like it.  And then one day I noticed that I was saying it to him a lot.  Guess I know where he learned that from.

Monday and Tuesday Clifton had off from school.  So we went out to play.
 Monday I must have been feeing brave because I decided to take the kids to Java and Clay to paint pottery.  Stanley did real well with the first coat but lost interested when it was time to do the second and third coat.  Luckily he stayed close by and we didn't brake anything.  It was a fun morning and the older kiddos loved it.  We cannot wait to see our final product.
Stanley's favorite part was giving his little monster a bath before painting it.

That night for FHE McKay taught the lesson about speaking kind words.  She did a demonstration to prove her point.
That after we have said words it is hard almost impossible to take it back.  Just like after you squeezed out toothpaste.

Tuesday we had Evan come play all day with us.  We also meet up with our friends the Morton's to visit the Bug Museum and get donuts afterwards.
Fun group of kiddos.

Then after nap time we went on a hunt for "Big Foot and dinosaur bones".
Silly kids were so into it.
They swear they found dinosaur teeth and all the trees that have fallen over must have been from Big Foot (not the snow storm we just had).  Seriously they are so cute and fun!

Wednesday we started up our walk/scooter before school again.
Cold but felt so good to be out and moving.  Plus there are so many sweet neighbors walking in the morning that it was so nice to say hi to them.

That night Clifton, McKay and I got to go cheer on our friend Faith during her volleyball game.
We love Faith and sure enjoyed the game.  Clifton was really into it.  He is my sports loving boy.

Thursday night the kids and I got to go cheer on another friend, Persues at his wrestling match.
Another fun night.  However all Stanley wanted to do was go join in on the fun.  Clifton was so very into it.

Friday I got to go help out in Clifton's class.  Grading papers, its kind of sad that I miss doing that.
I am so lucky that I get to be involved and help out in his school.

That night we started up our coed soccer league again after a short break.  Fells good to be back and doesn't hurt that we won too :)

Saturday we had nothing on our morning schedule so we went to play at the zoo.
Highlight of our trip was seeing the peacock with her feathers up and a monkey peeing.  I love family adventures!

That night Alex and I had Stake conference.  We had Dallin and Faith babysit.  Man do we love these kiddos.  It's crazy to believe they are old enough to babysit!
And they knocked it out of the park.  Our house was not a mess, the kids were happy, and they had them ready to for bed.  This won't be the only time we use them!

Sunday we woke up to snow!
So a little snow fun before church.
And then the snow melted and the sun was shinning by noon.  Crazy mixed up weather for Washington.

It was stake conference so it was a laid back Sunday for us.  No extra meetings.
 Which means we got to snuggle and nap with Daddy!
And upped our Sunday Bakeday game.  Made a new recipe of yummy cookies and made Chicken Pot Pie from scratch.  YUM!!!!  Sunday's like this are real nice.

Fun pictures from this week...
 One of McKay's toy cats and her real cat watching us play outside :)
 Sometimes Treasure hugs me and I love it!
Bubble fun!

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