
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Fun

Updates on Clifton -
This boy loves watching sports.  Begs to watch any kind of sport all day everyday.  I guess there could be worse things he wants to do with his time.

Updates on McKay -
Comes home with a new bandaid every day.  She may be a tad bit dramatic.  Most bandaids that cone off there is not a sign of a wound.  But I am sure the bandaid helped ;)

Updates on Stanley -
Is such a mommy's boy and I love it.

Monday Stanley had a Halloween party for all his little friends not in school yet.
We had a blast playing fun games and eating yummy treats.

That night for FHE we carved pumpkins.
They turned out great.  I love holiday fun.

Tuesday Stanley helped me work on the school PTA board.
 My first board since my teaching days.  It's a bit rusty ;)

Then Stanley and I got out to enjoy the beautiful fall day.
 After I got a run in, he insisted he run too.  He ran a mile!
And we stopped at the park to play.   I just love that I get time with just Stanley and time to enjoy these fun years with him.

Wednesday late start hiking.
Starting to like the late start days.

I helped in McKay's class.
Science day!  Making cast and x-rays.  I love her class and her teacher.  So much fun!

Friday we got all dressed up for the school Monster Mash.
Stanley man picked the theme for our costumes this year.  And we all loved it.

Saturday we had a PJ birthday party at Ahoy Kitsap.
I sure am happy I have Stanley man to play with me.  The other two ran off with friends.  They did at the dance too but luckily this cute man still wants to play with me.  Glad I have him cause this mommy loves to play.
We had a fun morning celebrating our little friends birthday.

Then we decided to head out to the Miracle Ranch Harvest festival.
Such a beautiful day for it.  We have been blessed with such an amazing October!

That night we got all dressed up again for our Ward Halloween party.
 We got to stay for a little but McKay was complaining of a head ache when we got there and after a while she had a fever so we left.
They were sad they had to leave so I made it up to them by renting the Emoji movie.

Sunday we stayed home form church.
 Cuddled and
watched some LDS cartoons on Youtube.

She started feeling better and her fever broke so we stuck to our Sunday tradition.
Sunday bakeday, Halloween style.

That night we had to record the Sounders game because Alex had a meeting.  Clifton really wanted to watch the game.  So we let him stay up past bedtime and watch.
He couldn't have been any happier.

Other fun things from the week...
 Cute note from McKay's teacher.  She is blessed to have a great teacher!

Lots of soccer on this week and this boy loved watching every minute of it.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Updates on Clifton -
I started a chart where Clifton can clip where he is at (start/happy, warning, time out, no games or shows, and go to bed early) and it is working great with Clifton.  Love when I find something that works, now lets hope it's not short lived.

Updates on McKay -
Had an interesting week at school.  She was great everyday via report from her teacher.  But then another lady who is an aide pulled my aside and said somethings to me about McKay that I didn't love.  After fighting with my emotions I finally decided to say something and try to work it out.  I think we got it all worked out.  Very emotional for me to do this because I don't love confrontation but it was needed.

Updates on Stanley -
Loves to ask me a question and before I can even answer he says "WHAT?".  It cracks me up every time.  Like, "Can I watch a show. WHAT?"

Monday was a beautiful fall day!  I got lots of yard work done and ready for the ton of rain headed our way.
 I told the kids I was blowing the leaves away and they begged me to save them a pile to play in after school.
So I did and it didn't disappoint.  Oh how I love Fall!

Tuesday I got to help out in McKay's class for her science day.
 We made lungs.  Such a fun activity and great group of kiddos.  I just love being in the classroom!
That night we started our fire place for the first time this Fall.

Wednesday we had late start and decided to do some late start science.
Made some goo to play in.
And opening water lilies.  Fun morning!  Starting to love late start days.

I had Yoshi run errands all day with me.  Seriously can he just stay little and adorable forever!

That night when the older kids got home we decided to make the most of this rainy weather and made boats to race.
 We used Nacho bowls this time.
 They worked.... but then they didn't.  They were fun while it lasted.
 Little Yoshi tail sticking out :)

Thursday night was the last night of Young Women's Basketball.  The last 5 weeks I have been helping run a tournament with the YW in our church.
It has been so fun learning to ref basketball and to be with the wonderful YW.  We ended the tournament with an All-Star game against parents/leaders.  Yep us old ladies still got it!  Such a great night.

Friday was wear red to say no to drugs day at school.
Our friend Officer Mason came to the last recess to show the kids his car and all the cool stuff.

I got to help in Clifton's classroom and they were doing science as well.
Another great class of kids.  So thankful my kids have great teachers and I get to help out in class!

A great week at school means family movie night!
Monster Truck.

Sunday was the kids primary program.  McKay wanted to look her Sunday best.
 And she sure did.  That girl is so girlie and stinking cute!
The boys looked mighty handsome as well but weren't cooperating for a picture ;)  Clifton and McKay both did great at the program.  Clifton was so proud of himself afterwards.  He was so nervous but got up there and did it.  McKay was not a slight bit nervous and was just so excited for a moment in the spot light.  She did great!

Sunday bakeday making monster cookies!
It's a good thing monsters are supposed to be scary looking.  
Sunday Sounders game.... playoff's here we come!

Other fun things from the week...
Our neighborhood magazine did a little piece on our bake sale we did to raise money for Hurricane Harvey.