
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Fun

Updates on Clifton -
This boy loves watching sports.  Begs to watch any kind of sport all day everyday.  I guess there could be worse things he wants to do with his time.

Updates on McKay -
Comes home with a new bandaid every day.  She may be a tad bit dramatic.  Most bandaids that cone off there is not a sign of a wound.  But I am sure the bandaid helped ;)

Updates on Stanley -
Is such a mommy's boy and I love it.

Monday Stanley had a Halloween party for all his little friends not in school yet.
We had a blast playing fun games and eating yummy treats.

That night for FHE we carved pumpkins.
They turned out great.  I love holiday fun.

Tuesday Stanley helped me work on the school PTA board.
 My first board since my teaching days.  It's a bit rusty ;)

Then Stanley and I got out to enjoy the beautiful fall day.
 After I got a run in, he insisted he run too.  He ran a mile!
And we stopped at the park to play.   I just love that I get time with just Stanley and time to enjoy these fun years with him.

Wednesday late start hiking.
Starting to like the late start days.

I helped in McKay's class.
Science day!  Making cast and x-rays.  I love her class and her teacher.  So much fun!

Friday we got all dressed up for the school Monster Mash.
Stanley man picked the theme for our costumes this year.  And we all loved it.

Saturday we had a PJ birthday party at Ahoy Kitsap.
I sure am happy I have Stanley man to play with me.  The other two ran off with friends.  They did at the dance too but luckily this cute man still wants to play with me.  Glad I have him cause this mommy loves to play.
We had a fun morning celebrating our little friends birthday.

Then we decided to head out to the Miracle Ranch Harvest festival.
Such a beautiful day for it.  We have been blessed with such an amazing October!

That night we got all dressed up again for our Ward Halloween party.
 We got to stay for a little but McKay was complaining of a head ache when we got there and after a while she had a fever so we left.
They were sad they had to leave so I made it up to them by renting the Emoji movie.

Sunday we stayed home form church.
 Cuddled and
watched some LDS cartoons on Youtube.

She started feeling better and her fever broke so we stuck to our Sunday tradition.
Sunday bakeday, Halloween style.

That night we had to record the Sounders game because Alex had a meeting.  Clifton really wanted to watch the game.  So we let him stay up past bedtime and watch.
He couldn't have been any happier.

Other fun things from the week...
 Cute note from McKay's teacher.  She is blessed to have a great teacher!

Lots of soccer on this week and this boy loved watching every minute of it.

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