
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Denver Trip

Updates on Clifton -
Started basketball and is excited about it.

Updates on McKay -
Started tap dancing and is over the moon about it.  She got cute glittery tap shoes for Christmas and has been waiting to try them out.

Updates on Stanley -
Loves singing the ABC'S at the top of his lungs.

Updates on Hazen -
He sure thinks it is funny to hit the spoon when I am trying to feed him.
He is on the move.
I laid him down on his mat in the middle of the living room and went to the bathroom.  When I got done this is what was waiting for me.  "I found you!"
My goodness he is so cute!

Sunday and Monday Alex, Hazen and I were in Denver.
One kid parent again, seems so much easier this time ;)
Apparently I mumble.  The airport thought this is what I said for Hazen's name.  Pretty sure this is his new nickname, it needs to be said with a Spanish accent, haha!

Denver wasn't quite what I was expecting.  The mountains aren't as close as I expected and there wasn't nearly as much snow as I thought there would be.  But it still did have some beauty.  AND the sun was so bright!
 While Alex was at work Hazen and I explored.
 One mile above sea level!
 After Alex got done at work we went to see the Denver temple.
 I had to play in the little snow they had.  I was disappointed with the lack of snowmen in everyones yard.
Loving the hotel life!
A huge thanks to my mother in law for watching the other three munchkins and all those who helped with play dates while we were gone.

Tuesday night for cub scouts we had our marble shoot.

Since we were gone Sunday we had our family night Wednesday.  We discussed light and the importance in it.  The had to draw a simple picture without lights on and one with lights on to see how much harder a simple task can be without lights.
We then talked about ways we can be a light to others.  Then the kids took turns sharing their testimonies.  It was a wonderful night!

After Clifton's basketball practice we decided to stop and get frozen yogurt.  
I love these little outings with my crazies.

Friday I finally got a hair cut!
It had been a year since I have done anything with it.  I am so happy with it.

That night my Grandpa Hazen passed away.
Boy I sure love my Grandpa and have had great memories with him.  Memories like him teaching me how to fox trot in the kitchen, teaching me how to do my taxes, camping trips, fishing together, chasing down a deer we hit to make sure it was ok, encouraging me to educate myself and be the best me.  Hands down my favorite memories is when he meet Baby Hazen.  He was so happy that we had named our son after him.  I will miss him tremendously!

Saturday we had planned to go to the temple and I couldn't have needed it more.
Just what my soul needed.  

After our temple trip McKay went to a fun birthday party.  I got to stay and help pamper the cute girls.

Sunday we talked about baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost.  We cleaned coins and then talked about the power of fire.

Other things from the week...
Saw a lot of my deer friends this week.  It never gets old!

I had an allergic reaction I think to fish oil!  I had these bumps from head to toe.

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