
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Updates on Clifton -
Getting him to wear anything besides sweat pants or workout shorts is a hard task and I am too tired to fight the battle half the time.  

Updates on McKay -
Celebrated her birthday at school this week right before winter break.  Love this sassy girl!

Updates on Stanley. -
Preschool was at our house this week and he was super excited about it.

Updates on Hazen -
His sleep at night is getting worse :(. 
Practicing sitting up.  It's hard work!

Preschool was at our house this week and we had a ton of fun!
They are such a fun group of kiddos.  We had a blast but boy was I tired afterwards :)

This weeks light the world was doing service within our family.  Sad how this was the hardest week of service for us.
Probably something we should practice more often.

Tuesday was a crazy day for our town.  A tornado hit!!!!  And it did some damage, luckily no one was hurt but lots of people without a home for the holidays.  I tried to help anyway I could.  We had a couple friends whose house was affected. 
My kids didn't mind having extra friends to play with while their parents were figuring things out.

Friday afternoon Aunt Andrea came into town to stay with us for a night.
Alex was excited :). She, well she could do with less brother snuggles.  We spent the night making gingerbread houses.
Fun night!

Saturday we spent the day celebrating McKay.  For her family birthday party this year she wanted to go to Boomshaka.  Sadly Stanley woke up throwing up and didn't stop so we had to go without Dad and him.  But Aunt Andrea, cousin Macey and Charlie met up with us and joined in on the fun!
Afterwards we meet up with Grandma and Grandpa Peterson for dinner at Olive Garden.

Luckily Stanley was feeling better Sunday morning and went to an hour of church. Christmas Sunday looking all spiffy.
 Love these crazies!
Action shoot of Hazen pulling Stanley's hair.  Haha

That night I made my first turkey.
And hosted my first feast. Thanks Kelly's for coming over and feasting with us!  A great night with friends.

Other fun from the week...
Silly boys.

Enjoying a fun Christmas party with friends.

Friends that bake together stay together.

Enjoyed McKay's class performance.

McKay enjoying her birthday presents.

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