
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

New Year and Stanley Turns 4

Updates on Clifton -
Ready to go back to school.  Asking for worksheets to do.  That kids loves school.

Updates on McKay -
Picks me of the silliest outfits to wear.  Silly girl!
Her outfits usually resemble an animal.

Updates on Stanley -
Turned 4!  We love his crazy, fast paced, and goofy self, but we are hoping 4 is the year he slows down just a little.

Updates on Hazen -
Getting better at sitting up by himself.
And he is 5 months old.  I really wish time could slow down.  I want to enjoy this age a little longer!
He is such a joy to have in our family!

Monday was New Years Eve.  We started the day out with a biking at the skate park and dirt pike trails.
It was such a beautiful morning and we had a blast getting outside.  

Then we had our annual minute to win it game night.

Minute it to win it is always fun!

Alex had to head off to DJ the youth dance so the kids and I stayed at home watching a movie going to bed couple hours past our bedtime and sleeping through the new year.
And I was rewarded with... nothing they all woke up around 6:30 the next day.  Haha but it was a good night and probably good that I went to bed too before the new year.

New Years day we had another day of beautiful weather so we headed out on a hike.
Chilly but a beautiful hike.

The kids had the rest of the week off at school so we spent the week adventuring.
Zoo trip with friends.

Spending Stanleys birthday at Ahoy Kitsap indoor playground

Then went out to lunch with Mrs. Sullivan.
We are so blessed to have our lives cross paths and for her still remaining in our lives.  She is such a wonderful woman!

Friday we had friends come over and help bake.
We had lots of baking to do for our late Christmas part in Portland.
And Alex and I got to sneak away for a date with friends.

Saturday we headed down to Portland for a quick trip
 Celebrating Christmas and playing games together.
My sister in law made these cute Pokemon for the kiddos.  My kids LOVE them so much.  What a thoughtful gift.

Sunday was Stanleys first day as a Sunbeam.  All handsome and dressed the part!
 It was also a big day.  Church has changed to now 2 hours and asked us to work on things at home as a family.
This Sunday we worked on our family tree.  I am very excited for the new program and also nervous. I know it means I need to be doing a lot better at teaching my children.  But I am so very grateful for this opportunity.

Other fun from the week...
Hazen very much wanted to try Alex's cheeseburger!

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