
Monday, November 30, 2020

 Updates on Clifton -

Won the spelling bee in his class again so we are working hard on the spelling bee words for his school competition!  He is very good at spelling, better than me.

Updates on McKay -

She got two of her teeth pulled because the adult ones already came in behind and they are showing no sign of being loose.
She was a champ!  I could hardly watch it.  A piece of her tooth did break off and its still in her gums.  They say it will come out on its own but I have a feeling they will have to go back in and remove it eventually.  Hopefully I am wrong.

Updates on Stanley -

I don't think the medicine we have him on is a good fit.  He is so emotional, like you tell him to go brush his teeth and he is full on crying.  The littlest things are setting him off!  But we have seen a couple good things but overall I don't think the good outlays the bad.  We have an appointment next week to discuss the plans from here.

Updates on Hazen -
Someone got a much needed hair cut!
Dang it he is so cute and looks like a big boy now!

We spent the week playing while the older kids had school.
Helping me wash toys.
Feeding the ducks.  One of my favorite things to do and they were hungry that day!
Well Hazen mostly fed himself.
I love Trinity Park, it pretty.  it has ducks, trees, and crunchy leaves!

Wednesday I spent a lot of the day preparing for our YM/YW Thanksgiving Etiquette Dinner. 
Lots of food in my car, it smells like an oven.  I forgot how much I enjoy planning and doing activities for church.  So glad to be able to serve.
It was also a canned food drive, boys vis girls.  Of course they girls won, but I was super impressed with the girls and them following through with a plan.  We donated 590 pounds!

We had beautiful weather this week Sowetans enjoyed extra time outside.

Saturday I put together a ladies Turkey Bowl.  This was the first time here so I was very nervous if people would show up and if they did if they'd enjoy themselves.
But we had a huge turn out and a ton of fun was had!  Man I could have cried I was so happy to be able to play with these ladies.
Then soccer!  I love our team, we may not win very often but they are great people to play with.
After soccer Alex and I decided to get dinner just the two of us.  I sure like that guy!

Sunday bakeday we made Rice Krispie Turkey's.  I couldn't find candy corn so we made due with frosting.
Cute turkeys!

Other fun from this week...

Cuddles was very interested in the Seahawks game.
Hazen's silly eating.  Double smoothy and eating the taco meat out of the taco shell.

Silly boy, glad he waited till my cool down to jump on!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Savannah, Georgia Girls Trip

Update on Clifton -
Finished in first place at his classes Spelling Bee again.  Now to the school spelling bee, lots of studying here we come.

Update on McKay -
Has a hard time going to sleep at night.  She gets in her head, she loves having her own room till it's time to sleep alone.  I am not sure what she is so scared of.

Update on Stanley -
Officially got diagnosed with ADHD and we started him on non stimulus medication along with play therapy.  So far the medicine is making him tired and some improvements on focus.  I actually think its making him easily aggravated, which stinks cause he already was easy to aggravate.  Hoping this is the right thing for him and helps.

Updates on Hazen -
Finally getting him to sleep doesn't take hours and lots of tears.  He is sleeping through the night now BUT waking up around 5-6!  Way too early!  Why is sleep so hard for my kids, I stink at sleep training and love sleep!

Monday we made our Thanksgiving Gratitude Tree.  I love this traditions and love discussing why we are so blessed.  Times are really hard right now with Covid and the recent election but I know we have been crazy blessed and have so much to be thankful for.  So easy to fill our tree every year!

Wednesday Hazen and I explored... it was a little chilly so we went a children's museum and were the only ones there.  We had a blast playing!

Sometimes I get so caught up in life I forget to just play with Hazen.  I am glad I have made Wednesday a day we play!  It is so much fun to play with him.

Veteran's Day Clifton wrote a sweet letter to Grandpa Peterson.  That happened to be the same day he went into the hospital because he got Covid.  It scared us big time and were worried we might lose him, but he is recovering!  He is sad and lonely since he can't be around anyone but we are so happy he is fighting this sickness!

Thursday afternoon I got to escape again with my friend Ashley.  We both had vouchers that needed to be used so we decided to go on a girls trip.  I decided it would be my birthday present this year since we had to get a hotel.  We headed to Savannah, Georgia.  We tried to think of a place our husband and kids wouldn't be too interested in.  We got in late Thursday but were up bright and explore to play Friday.
Wormsloe planation was our first stop and my favorite thing we did on the trip.  It was breath taking!  And we walked 6 miles in the trees exploring.  I love nature and this just made my heart so happy.  This is where Forest Gump and other movies were filmed.  A gorgeous place!
Our cool mansion hotel.
Then we rented bikes to bike around the island looking at the beautiful homes and cute parks/squares or square-abouts as I call them.  Such a beautiful place with lots to see.

I am not adventures when it comes to food but tried some fun things and enjoyed lots of good food.  The hotel gave us 2 free breakfast and they were so good!  Then we explored some fun places that we heard were good.  There were lots of options, we couldn't get them all.  But what we did get didn't disappoint.

Saturday we explored some more places...

and Shopped!
Walked the riverfront.  Then we went on the river boat.  I was really excited about this.  I love riding the ferry's in Washington so I thought it would be the same, but it wasn't worth the money.  They have a little ferry boat that probably would have been just as good as this ride.  Not much to see, lots of factories and mills.  The boat was gorgeous though.

Then we went home and enjoyed a movie and treated ourselves to a face mask.  Spa's are way too expensive, maybe next time. 

But then we wouldn't have gotten my favorite picture fort he whole trip!  I love that we played so hard all day long then got in our PJ'S by 7-7:30 every night and relaxed. 

Sunday we had a little time before our flight headed out so we walked around some more looking at a few places we hadn't explored.
One house was having an estate sale inside their house.  I was so excited to go in one of the houses to see what they looked like.  They had a lot of fun things to sell too.
Then we relaxed by the pool before we had to get back to real life.
I am so blessed to have found Ashley.  She is such an amazing person and so easy to talk to.  I am glad she wanted to join me, we had a blast!