
Thursday, July 14, 2022

Monday we got up before the sun and headed to Nauvoo with the youth in our church.  Clifton is old enough to join the youth this year.

First stop Independence, Missouri. Toured the temple site and visitor center.

Then headed to the hotel for the night. Next morning we stopped at Far West then Liberty Jail.

Wonderful stops.  The spirit was strong in Liberty and the reminder of how little my problems are.  Far West was pretty but LOTS of bugs! Then we finished our drive to Nauvoo!

First day in Nauvoo!  Exploring the historical sites and learning about how the Saints lived at this time.

A great and exhausting day!

The next day we went to Carthridge Jail which was such a wonderful and hard experience.  So much truth and spirit of knowing this was all done for us.  But also so much pain and hardship happened here.

After we had time to go explore more of Nauvoo's historic sites.
And then we got to go to the temple.  Great way to end the day of heart break from all the pain and sorrow Jospeh went through. We can live forever with our families and their is greater things to come after we leave this world.

That evening we walked the Trail of Hope.  The same trail the Saints walked as the were leaving everything they had for an unknown destination.

Another amazing experience.  We sure do love these youth and their sweet testimonies.

Last full day we started off with a devotional for us women in the Women's Garden.

Beautiful morning with these wonderful women.
We also got to do a translation experience together.  But sadly we lost some from our family.  One headed out with their real family early and another had gotten sick.

We ended the trip with a testimony meeting in front of the temple int he unexpected rain.
Now time to clean up and head home.
I love serving with the youth and feel so blessed to get time with them.  I am also SO blessed to be surrounded by amazing leaders as well.  It was a great trip and thanks to so many wonderful people that came and helped be apart of this.

After a 14 hour drive home, which wasn't nearly as horrible as I thought it was going to be, we made it back home.  Now to try and catch up on sleep!
Can't thank my mom enough for holding the fort down so Alex and I could help with this trip.

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