
Thursday, September 23, 2021

Monday was Labor Day so we played!  Last Hawaiian Falls trip fo the summer!  We went with some friends, cause friends make everything better.
It was a good day!
Tuesday Hazen started a coop preschool!  I taught the first week and boy do I love teaching.  And these boys, could there be any better friends.  Such a good group.  It's going to be an awesome year!

Daddy even made an appearance!

For Young women's we had a Bob Ross painting night.  We picked a hard one but I think we all did really well.

I had to get out my Bob Ross wig!

This weekend I went to Austin with some friends for a ladies trip.

We kayaked/paddle boarded Lady Bird Lake.  It was amazing!  Perfect weather, beautiful location and fun people.
Me trying to be cool!  Haha someones got to keep it real.

Then had to hit up VooDoo.  Oh Austin you won't ever be Portland but that's ok.  Be you!

Then we sat for hours to wait for the bats under the bridge that decided not to merge till it was really dark.  So not as cool as we had hoped but still cool to see all the bats eventually.

Then we went on a little hike to see the view.
Unfortunately while we were hiking in the middle of the day and busy someone broke my window and stole my friends purse that was covered up. But there was so much in my car from the trip so they knew it was a good car to hit up.

It was unfortunate but thankful I had these ladies to help.
We tried to wrap it for the drive home but we ended up taking it off. 

Plans changed a little because of the window breaking.  We hit up Waco on our way home and decided we didn't have enough time to do the swimming parka s well.  SO we shopped around Magnolia Farms.  They added a lot of cute things since I had been there last.  And of course I had to get the cupcakes!

Cute place!
Then shopping!

Love all these wonderful ladies and feel so blessed to call them friends!

Bu also glad to be home.  I have been playing a lot and it feels good to be back home snuggling my munchkins.
Now for fall stuff!  Chocolate Chip Pumpkin cookies.

Life has slowed down a little since school started back up, well maybe not slow but now just a different kind of busy.  
I stepped up to help coach Clifton's team.  They needed another night of practice.  It actually was kind of hard, you don't see too many ladies out here coaching in Texas.  But I can still hang with the big boys.  Clifton said he loves having me coach which means the world to me and I love the extra time together.

I put together a self defense class for the youth and women in our church.  It wasn't a great turn out but the ladies that came learned some valuable things.  It was a great night and Gemma was an awesome instructor.

If only we could get everyone women this training.

More soccer cuties!

Saturday we decided to do a bake sale and garage sale.  We decided instead of keeping the money we would donate it to Afghanistan Refugees.

We made 160$ and we able to buy things for the refguees.

 Not a ton but more than they had.  I am proud of my kiddos and hope they realize how much good they can do in this world!

It's just Hazen and I at home so we decided it's time to Potty train.  It was a rough couple days but then it just clicked and we advent had an accident since.  and he even stays dry during the night.  I CANNOT believe we are all done with diapers, forever!  Its bitter sweet.  I will not miss diapers but I will miss my little babies.  Can't believe we are moving into the next phase of life!

Stanley has been doing amazing at school.  I guess his therapist is right.  He needs structure.  He still has his fits at home which breaks my hurt knowing its me that causes it.  But we are on our way to figuring him out.

I really wanted Hazen to play soccer but didn't really want to pay for it at this age. SO I started Pee Wee for friends.  Thanks to Randi I have experience teaching and feel confident getting a group together and doing it on my own.

Oh man its a good group too!  The kids are awesome and lots of fun!  I forget how much I love teaching soccer and especially to this age group.  It's exhausting but so rewarding to hear all the giggles and get all the hugs.

Isn't eh cute!  He's a pretty good player too.  Hoping soccer sticks and he wants to keep playing.

Finally can say the whole house has been painted and so happy to have that done.  Last thing was the hand rail and fireplace mantel.  I love the grey color!

Well somehow DJ Pete and his hype girl are back.

The stake had a fun tailgating party and asked us to DJ.  We had a lot of fun!  The youth are amazing and its always a good time with them.
Thankful for all the friends that helped watch our kids so we could be apart of the event.
Clifton even got to go to the fair that night.  I was a little jealous ;)

Hazen is a swimmer!  I cannot believe we have a just turned 3 year old that can swim.  Crazy!

It will be interesting to see if it holds over the winter.  This boys is fearless!

School Time

This week we got to go to a Sounders Game in Dallas.  My friend got us great tickets ands we won' the game!
Had Christian took a selfie with us!  SO cool! The players were right there and said hi to us at the end.  SO much fun!

Love that we can still support the Sounders here in Texas!

This week we have been getting ready for school.  Back to school dates!

Toes done and ready for school!
Clifton always chooses Alex and loves to go eat some manly greasy food together.  
Stanley can be SO hard but can also be the sweetest.  He insisted Hazen joined us on his date.  He didn't want Hazen to feel left out.
It's been a TOUGH summer for Stanley.  Lots of outburst, upset feelings, time outs, etc... We have struggled.  He has said things that really really hurt my feelings and I am having a hard time not taking it personally.  Our relationship has been rocky and we are all very scared about 1st grade for him.  Except his therapist she thinks school again will be great.
Here we go! 
6th grade.  How did this happen!
1st grade
4th grade and has the same teacher Clifton had when we moved her.  We are excited about that!

Back to School Fashion show!  I love this tradition and it better keep!

Saturday we were hanging out at the park when I stepped in an ant pile.  A little while later I was itching all over and went home to find a hug rash on my torso.  I might be allergic!  Benadryl did the trick though all was back to normal the next day.
But man that was a rash! Our bodies are amazing!