
Monday, September 13, 2021

Youth New Mexico Trip

 This week I got to go on the trip we have been planing with our youth.  Because of Covid normal plans have been put on hold for two years so we wanted to make sure they had something to look forward to this summer. And this trip was perfection!

Meet Karen our CPR dummy from the first aid night who decided to join us for the trip.
Ready to go!
Entertaining ourselves on the 10 car ride.
First day we went rafting on the Rio Grande

The next day we took a 9 mile and big elevation gain. The youth did great.  It was an intense hike.  some o fun almost made it to the top but a storm rolled in and being so open to the elements we decided to turn around.  However lots ad lots was learned.  Youth pushed father than they thought they ever could, it was absolutely beautiful, and youth worked together to push and help each other.
Most nights we were so exhausted we had dinner at the YM's cabin and ended with a fireside.  The youth did an amazing job running the fireside and the spirit was so strong every night.
The lasy day we got to see a awesome balloon festival on our drive to horse back riding.
Friendly turkey that followed us around and begged to be pet like a dog.
Bets picture of the trip! Haha we were playing tag and apparently thats how I run.
Karen came in handy a few times.
Man do I love these girls so very much.  It was such a great trip and we all bonded so much!  Now for another 10 drive home.
These guys picked me up from the church and we got ice cream. I can't thank Alex enough for taking care of everything while I was gone. 
The next day was Fathers Day! We love spoiling our favorite guy!  He seriously is the best father and husband anyone could ask for.
And it was Cuddles birthday too.  So happy we added this guy to our family.

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