
Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Started our week with walking our friends dog while she was out of town.

Hazen tends to be afraid of dogs but love our little walk.  We need a dog!

Tuesday turned into a really laid back night which was super needed.  The older group of YW came to hang out at my house and we just chatted and played games.  Love those girls so thankful for the time I get with them.

Wednesday is our day off from everything so we went bowling and played Billards.

Love this time I get with Hazen.  Can't believe he will be going to school next year and we won't have as many opportunities to just play.  

Well the week ended in a lot of pain.  I have been having pain in a tooth and finally went into the dentist.  And left with half of a root canal done and a lot of drugs to take.  NOT feeling great at all.  Drained, hurting, and sad to know there is still more to come.  Teeth pain is horrible and no fun.

And then a big storm rolled through.  A small tornado hit about a mile away from our house.  Thankfully everything is ok and no hail was involved so no damage done to the house.  

Just Spring time in Texas!

But with all that negativity going on, I got a letter saying I passed my BodyPump certification.  I was sooooo nervous and full of doubt.  This was what I NEEDED for a little boost.

Ya to knew things and pushing myself.  And I got a spot to teaching starting in April.  Once a week, every Wednesday morning.  Can't believe I get paid for doing something I love so much.

Full day of soccer games, thankfully it was a beautiful day to be outside.

Then some family time.  Another game out of the Adventure Book.  Flour fight!

And Stanley had been begging to go fishing ALL day.  So we made time for that as well.

So nice to run into our friend who joined us for a little.

Sunday it was such a nice day we needed to get out and hike.  Alex had to work on seminary stuff and Clifton didn't want to come but the rest of us had fun.

Yay to sunshine and nice weather.

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