
Sunday, May 1, 2022

 We found Friday that we could get tickets to the Rangers opener through Alex's company.  So we decided to take them up on the offer, pull the kids out of school early and enjoy ourselves.  We were able to take a few friends with us too which made it even better.

It was a hot day and happened to get seats right where the sun was hitting us.  But the seats were great seats, we had a home run ball land in our section and a couple foul balls thrown up our way.  Clifton and his friend ran into Cody from Dude Perfect and got his autograph too!  Super fun day.

The next day Grandma Stanley flew into town!  Just in time for McKay's choir concert.
The next day was her birthday.  So we had to celebrate her Peterson style....
It got mixed up but its still cute.  We didn't even notice it was mixed up till after we ate most of the donuts.

Then my mom and I went golfing.  I use to think I was a decent golfer but nope that's gone.  Still had a lot of fun.

Then we took Grandma out to dinner.

Sure hope she felt special today.

The next day was a year anniversary of my father passing away,
We made sure to take time out of the day to remember him.  Then things worked out perfectly, I set up a temple trip for our youth months ago not remembering it was the anniversary of my dads passing.  No better way I'd rather spend the day then at the temple with my favorite youth and my mom.  

So great to be in the temple with this lovely group.

Friday movie night!
Saturday we had fun celebrating Easter with friends.
Egg drop time!

we made the rules a little harder this year and had more fails than normal.  The kids could use three things or they could use as many as they want as long as we could see the egg.  Lots of fun!

Neighborhood Easter egg hunt.
Coloring our eggs.  It was an EGGS-elent day.

Sunday was Easter.  We got all ready for church and even got Grandma in on the matching.

Then family Easter egg hunt.

Sunday bakeday decorating Easter cookies

Third year in a row I got the raw egg.  I guess that means I am the winner.

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