
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

 Preschool has come to an end!  One last preschool party and since the weather is hot we decided to end it with a pool party.

Hanging with Hazen during Stanley's therapy.  Hazen is sure growing up super fast and it is kind of hitting me that he's my last little.  I wish he could stay little longer!

We will try to soak it in as long as we can!

Pee Wee soccer has come to an end as well.  It was an amazing season!  We had a blast and sad for it to end.

Nothing super special happened this week.   Things are wrapping up as the school year is about to come to an end.  Clifton and Alex went to a stake father son camp out (Alex didn't take a single picture!) and melted in the heat all night.  But they brought ice cream to share with everyone so they had dry ice.  Alex decided to have a little science lesson with the kids at lunch time Saturday. 

He is such a good Dad!
I decided to work on our flower beds that died after another crazy cold winter for Texas.

Simple but I like it.  Hoping it grows in nicely and I can keep it alive!

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