
Sunday, May 29, 2022

Welp I got a call from the school nurse that Stanley had an accident at recess and needs to go to the hospital.  Yep he needed three stitches.  It wasn't his fault, just bad timing.  He was running around on the playground and ran past someone that was flinging a medallion around their finger.  Stanley didn't see it and the kid didn't see Stanley.  Hit him right in the head.  Third time getting stitches on his head. 

He did well and was super brave!  So we went to get frozen yogurt to help make the day better.  Definitely helped!

Decided to go through pictures and review all of Stanley's head wounds.  This boy!  Please be gentle with your body.

Pinewood derby for Activity Days.  Such a fun activity!  Alex stepped up his game or as he says he has way more tools so he could do more.  McKay's car took 1st!

A super fun activity.

Field day for McKay and Stanley

Stanley was making us all nervous with a fresh head wound and all the opportunities to hit his head again.  But we made it through the day without any injuries!

This weekend was the kids big soccer tournament. 3 games each and Clifton's happen to all fall on Saturday, and McKay had one Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  So it was a long day of soccer Saturday.
Cute cheerleaders.  They aren't always interested in the game and cheering but that night they were really into the game and it was so cute!

I should have gotten better pictures.  I am ashamed of myself especially cause this probably Clifton's last year playing rec.  He is going to do football and soccer for school (hopefully).  He has been blessed with an amazing team, great boys, awesome parents, its been great playing with them.  McKay's team was not my favorite but it didn't stop her from wanting to play again.  Next year I will make sure I get to coach her team!

In between games we went to a friends house for dinner and to visit their chickens.

I think the kids were more excited about the chickens then anything else.  A wonderful busy day!

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