
Sunday, May 1, 2022

Last day of spring break!  It happened to be the first day if spring and free cone day at DQ.

Then our friends invited us over to do Nailed It challenge.  So much fun getting together and baking.  The kids decided it needed to be boy versus girls, except Hazen really wanted to be on the girls team.

They turned out cute and the judge declared the girls as the winners.

Tuesday night the kids had games in the evening.  Cold night under the lights.
We had to bundle up and cuddle.  Not a bad way to watch a game.

Wednesday night the youth had kickball night.
Love these youth so much!

Friday Alex and I headed off to Vegas to celebrate Trissa and Jim's birthday.  We got a friend to watch the kids, she just returned from her mission and could use some a job.  We have never done that before but she was amazing with the kids.

It was a jam packed weekend.  Went to Kaa Circus Soleil, Jim got us free tickets to Carrot Top, exploring the strip, dinners out, top golf and spending time together.  We also stayed at a trailer park and it was not as nice as the pictures seemed.  Haha it was an experience!  Next time we will just stay at a hotel.  Lesson learned!  My favorite part was just being with my favorite people again. I love these people very much.

The kids didn't seem to miss us at all.  We cannot thank the friends that helped so we could make this trip happen.  Clifton stayed with the Sagers and never had a boring moment.
Bekah had fun with the kids and we had a couple other friend, Janelle and Kenzie help play with them.
We are blessed with amazing friends willing to help and my kids didn't seem to miss us one bit.

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