
Friday, September 29, 2023

This week on my classes we are sporting our favorite College and NFL teams.  Love the people I get to workout with.

Teaching and being with these people bring a lot of joy to my life!

Clifton made a flier for his football game and his coach used it.  So cool!  Good job Clifton.

At Clifton's game he had another cheerleader join the fun.  Another friend that is so kind and helpful with my kids.
Then at the 3rd quarter we all had to go to our car due to lightning striking close by.  After 45 minutes in the car (watching the storm pass us but not hit us) they canceled the game.  Stuck in the car with crazy boys wasn't easy;)
Once we got to pick up Clifton he showed us his nasty turf burn.  OUCH!

Alex took everyone to their church activities that night.  Leaving Hazen and I for some one on one time.  Of course he wanted some froyo.

And wanted to play games.  He is SO cute.

The weather has been nice in the mornings so we have been scootering the younger kids to school.  Hope they remember doing things like this.

Thursday night we got a surprise visit from an old college friend.  It was a nice surprise and good to catch up.
Stanley had a doctors appointment.  Instead of taking him back to school for the last hour we choose to have some one on one time.  Scootered over to CVS got some treats and hangout together.
Cat napping.  Seminary sure kicks Alex's butt.  It's early and on top of work and life,  he works so hard.

Friday day dating.  We were going to go golfing but the golf course system shut down and couldn't get us in right away.  We knew if we waited we wouldn't have enough time to play.  So we hit up the green and range.

Then that night we went to support of of Alex's seminary students at their play - Clue.

Saturday full of soccer.  Cheering, coaching Clifton reffing, and then playing.

We love soccer.

Sunday bakeday!  It's officially fall.  Time for pumpkin.

Alex was gone all week for work.  He was in DC. 
Monday was 9/11.  In honor of that day we tried to spread some happiness and kindness.  To bind back that unity we felt the day after 9/11.  We made a ton of snickerdoodle and handed them out with a quote about honoring 9/11 and hadn't ed them to all the houses on our street.  Hopefully it brought someone happiness.
Then I volunteered my for my first time to decorate a door at school.  Nothing super fancy but got the job done.  PE door decorated for fall.
Off the Clifton's football game.  Where I showed up on time, BUT to the wrong field.  Apparently the same HS/middle school lot has 4 fields.  So after going to 3 I finally found the right one.  ONLY IN TEXAS is that a problem.

Another early morning of construction.  only 5:30 am this time but still very very annoying.

Friday Alex got home and we all headed to Clifton's practice together.  Then had a picnic dinner.

Saturday morning started with an 80's dance party that I got to help teach with these beauties.

Fun morning.

The straight to Hazen's game...
Love that I get ti be on the sidelines with him and he still wants to hold my hand.
It was a rough game for us but the kids did such a good job of holding their heads up and keep trying.

Then we headed to more soccer, but this time for the SOUNDERS!
Had to take my friend that showed interest in going and cheering on the Sounders!

Thankful for the friend that has season tickets and helps us get good seats, even if she cheers for Dallas ;)
Good game.  I'd prefer the win but will take the tie.  Afterwards we hung around to get some signatures and say hi to the players.

Clifton got a couple more signatures on his jersey and we got a couple good selfies.
Love our Sounders!

Monday everyone had the day off.  I suggested we go to a swim park since its probably the last weekend we can for the summer.  I was surprised that everyone would rather go to our neighborhood pool!  Welp it saves me a few dollars so we headed over and to our surprise we had it all to ourselves for most of the time.

Then we went and got ice cream to celebrate filling up our scripture reading jar.
That morning we got a brutal wake up at 1:30 with construction outside our house.  This wasn't the first time although never this crazy early.  SO I called the cops.  The cops went over there to make them stop but called back and they took they fine and kept working.  ALLLLLL NIGHT!  It was a horrible horrible sleep.  I have never wanted to move so bad in my life.
On top of the stupid construction everywhere around us the temperature in Texas doesn't seem to be cooling down at all.  It's miserable.
Clifton played in that heat and somehow didn't die.  I was sweating big time just sitting on the sidelines.
He did have an extra cheerleader rooting for him.
Nice to have friends that support my kids too.

Soccer season has begun and I am thrilled to be coaching Hazen's team.  The Golden Lightning!

First practice went well.  Very very hot but we had fun.
Then came home to a room full of happy boys.  NFL season has begun!

Soccer season means every Saturday we spend out on the fields. 
Cliftons game, bright and early.
It was a brutal game.  Ref was letting jabs and things fly.  One kid went to kick Clifton after the kid fouled him bad.  The ref saw it and said I'll kick you out of the game if you do it.  He stopped, but man I would pul that kid out.  Especially the if I was his coach. I was not very happy!  But Clifton kept calm and immediately after that foul had the ball do the talking.  Scored a goal with a great header, for the win!

Hazen's first game.  Went well!  Both teams scored and everyone seemed to have fun.  

Clifton's first official job!  Reffing games for KSA.  He was super nervous but did a good job.

That night McKay and I had a girls night.  We went and saw The Little Mermaid put on the by the district middle schools.  

It was very good.  I was impressed!  Fun night out with my girl.